Oak Tree with Polite Notice

The Badsell Oak Tree has evolved. This is the first in a series of notices with the tree. Notice reads…
Out of consideration to local residents, all customers are requested to keep noise level to a minimum when leaving the premises
Thank You.”
A typical Oak Tree hosts hundreds of insects which are a valuable source of food for birds and mammals.
The Woodland Trust describes the oak tree. “The soft leaves of English oaks breakdown with ease in autumn and form a rich leaf mould beneath the tree, supporting invertebrates, such as the stag beetle, and numerous fungi, like the oakbug milkcap. Holes and crevices in the tree bark are perfect nesting spots for the pied flycatcher or marsh tit. Several British bat species may also roost in old woodpecker holes or under loose bark, as well as feeding on the rich supply of insects in the tree canopy.”